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Slip and Falls: Common, Yet Dangerous

Slip and falls can occur anywhere: office buildings, parking lots, stores, hotels, parks and much more. That’s why slip and falls account for over 8 million emergency room visits each year, leading them to be the number one reason for going to the hospital. Often times, these accidents are due to unfortunate catalysts such as slippery floors, uneven steps, dangerous ramps, hazardous debris, potholes or obstructed pathways.

Don’t Live in Pain: Call Now

Although they may appear fairly minuscule in nature, slip and fall injuries can lead to significant, long-lasting pain caused by broken bones, herniated discs and other spinal or brain injuries. The passionate personal injury attorneys at Daly & Barber, P.A. will fully investigate your case to ensure that you are compensated for your injuries and the responsible party is held accountable.


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